Saturday, April 24, 2010
More Rosie...
Last night I started this graphite sketch of Rosie. I wanted to do one of her pouting after she loses her galosh (I do so love that "galosh" is an actual word). does she look sufficiently pouty? Of course she can't go wandering around on three galoshes. She then wouldn't have the natural grace that all rhinos possess (yes, I made that up). I think this Rosie is a little bit larger (as in a bit older) than the others that I have done, but these are all just about playing around anyway. Once I decide the style and medium that I want to use, I will then have to try make the drawings more uniform. I did make her legs much heftier than they were in the photo as I've already established that her legs are quite sizable.
And here is the watercolor version that I did today.
Today I actually did some baking (yes, you heard that right--I baked!) To be specific, I whipped up a box of Ghirardelli brownies to take to work tomorrow. I also made tuna salad for dinner. Yes, I was a regular Martha Stewart. Oh, and I will have to add (just to make my mom happy) that I also vacuumed.
As for the tuna salad, I was going to just go for the standard, but then I noticed that there was an interesting looking recipe on the back of the pasta box, so I tried a variation of that. This one called for pesto. I actually had some pesto in my fridge, so I thought, "why not?" So, my tuna salad is a bit greenish in color, and oh, so tasty.
One more thing before I sign off for the night. I'm often convinced that my cats are trying to kill me. This theory comes from the way they stare at me with evil gleams in their eyes from across the room, or the way they get under my feet and try to trip me. Well, tonight one of them succeeded in tripping me. I actually fell to the floor and it was painful. About an hour after this happened, as he didn't succeed in causing my death (only a sore shoulder), he tried it again. But this time, I was onto him and managed to stay on my feet. I am going to have to be on my guard more often, it seems...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Ricardo Rhino in his Blue Galoshes
Yes, this is not Rosie, but another rhino that she encounters that has stolen her look! She's none too happy, even if his galoshes are blue. There is only one rhino that should be wearing galoshes! I should mention that Rosie is a white rhino and this rhino is a black rhino. Did you catch that?
This is one of two drawings that I did tonight. I'm thinking of doing both of them in color of some sort tomorrow, so be on the look out. Although, considering my track record lately, I may not follow through on that. I have been rather lazy--either reading or planting virtual crops and not drawing. So, I have had nothing to show for the labors of my free time. I love reading and I certainly don't consider it a waste of time, but it leaves me with no pictures to post. Planting virtual crops, on the other hand, is a waste of time, but everybody needs an activity or two that is a waste of time. We can't be on our game all of the time. And speaking of drawing, there were some photos posted for the weekend drawing event this week that really spoke to me, so you may see a drawing or two that isn't a rhino by the end of the weekend. Maybe even a painting...
Other than all of this, is there anything new? I don't know. Let me just try to get back into posting regularly and see what happens.
The noisy children are visiting upstairs again. I'm sort of starting to wonder if there's some sort of pattern. Maybe every other weekend? Is this some sort of visitation rights thing? If so, I'm not happy about it. It's not the childrens' fault that their parents let them run around until 2:00 AM (yes, 2:00 AM and I'm not exaggerating, as I sometimes tend to do), but I still think they need a serious time out.
It was so good to see jb on Wed.! I was happy to look at her great photos and try to help her with some Photoshop stuff. It really made me think I need to update my skills. I have forgotten so much. I do have to say, I was very glad when the library patron left our table and we could speak without having someone that reminded me of work. Too bad those library patrons seem to be sort of all over the place. At least it wasn't a certain library patron that seems to show up everywhere...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Big Bertha in her Boa
Well, at least that's what I thought her name was, but then she told me that she was a show girl and danced the merengue and the cha cha, so her name could quite possibly be Lola. We'll have to see about that. Anyway, she is the only bit of drawing that I've done all week, so she will have to do.
This is also my first blog entry of the week. I figured I had better get it posted before midnight or the whole week would have passed by blogless That just can't be.
I know that during the week, I thought of a thing or two I should blog about, but then the days just slipped away as did my ideas for blogging, so I have no idea what I was thinking I should write about. Tonight has been good, but the day was spent at work, putting on a nice facade for people that really didn't deserve it. Is there a full moon tonight or something? No, I guess not--I just looked it up and it's not until the 28th. I guess I can't blame the moon for peoples' grumpiness. They're just naturally nasty. Anyway, hope all my blog buddies are having a pleasant Saturday evening and that none of you spent the day dealing with naturally nasty people. I don't recommend spending one's Saturday afternoon in that fashion. There are other much better ways to pass the hours.
Edited to add, suddenly I'm exhausted and it's only 11:00. I guess dealing with crabby and demanding people all day long makes a person get tired at an early hour...
Edited again to add one of my ponderings: why do I love feta cheese so much when its flavor is a dead ringer for smelly feet?
And speaking of ponderings, what does "dead ringer" really mean? Where did it come from? And yes, I know--the answer is right at my finger-tips. No wonder librarian's jobs are so scarce...
Friday, April 9, 2010
New Post Toasty
Do Post Toasties still exist? I know I could just google it, but it's more fun to just wonder. My grandma always had Post Toasties. We were more of a Cheerios and Rice Crispies family, I think. Anyway, I have been MIA (which reminds me that Harry, the automated library voice, pronounces the name "Mia" as "missing in action." He also calls me "Anne the one thousandth Peterson" due to my middle initial being the equivalent of the roman numeral for "1000") again. I have been working on knitting and have been very frustrated. Yes, it's great that the Internet is full of knitting videos, but I seem to knit differently than most of the knitters out there and the videos don't seem to work for me. They not only knit differently, but they knit too fast. If you're trying to instruct people, slow down. Yes, I know that once you have a stitch down it is all oh so easy, but when someone is trying to learn, it is all awkward and you need to click your needles in slow motion. And speaking of knitting, one of the groups I subscribe to on Facebook is giving away a knitted sweater and it is the sweater that I want to knit. Now it's not a color I would chose (white), but I entered the contest anyway. I just had to choose a number between 1 and 2000. The number will be randomly generated and the closest guesser wins. As of earlier today, there were only about 95 entrants, so keep your fingers crossed. I chose the number 502 which is all about my birthday.
So, the picture above is the herd and crash that is currently on my dresser. I sometimes like to arrange drawings and paintings just to try to inspire myself to do more. Unfortunately this week has been a bad art week due to sleep deprivation (the people upstairs have been noisy all week) and laziness. I hope to work on something tomorrow. Until then, we can just look at old stuff...
Oh, just a note, you'll have to click on the picture to see it in a larger size. And also the two cat pictures are done by my nephews. The one above and center, in black in blue was painted by Zach and the other one (the one that also includes me in my red car (and judging by the lines behind it, I appear to be speeding) with my cats watching out the window all forlorn and meowing) was drawn by Ben.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Have no fear, Anne is still here...and with rhinos
Yes, I am still here and I have more rhinos! I may have been missing from the blogsphere (I can't believe that blogger spell check still doesn't recognize the word "blogosphere." What century is it living in? The pre-1990's 20th?), but I was still working on stuff. Here are two sketches and some text. If you can't read the text, it's not important. It was just me playing around with ideas. These are two potential characters for the book. I do have to say that Hornelius is definitely a character, but un-named beret guy is just a possibility.
So, I should probably ask, how is everybody? I am quite well (or is it good?). Grammar is not my first priority when I'm blogging. I'm kind of a stream of consciousness type blogger. Why am I well or good? Well, because tomorrow I don't have to work. Any non work day is a good day as far as I'm concerned. Today I did work and it wasn't all that bad, I do have to say.
In other news or in other ponderings, why doesn't money grow on trees? I so want an iPad, despite the unfortunate name (the word "pad" really has unpleasant connotations). I used to be way ahead of the game as far as technology goes. Now I can't afford to keep up. I hate that. I guess I will just have to play with my imaginary iPad. Wow, it's so small and light that I can't even see it or feel it! Amazing!
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